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2022 Voices of LA Survey Series: AAPI Survey

As a result of the unprecedented conditions facing us, there is an urgent need to amplify community voices to help frame policy discussions as we head into the 2022 elections. Join us as we examine AAPI stances on political and social issues, perceptions of discrimination, as well as voting, and other expressions of civic engagement. 

Tuesday, March 15, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. (PST)

Pat Brown Institute for Public Affairs at Cal State LA (PBI) and California Community Foundation (CCF) to release survey of L.A. County Asian American and Pacific Islander community during virtual event Survey of attitudes on COVID-19 and pandemic relief, ethnic and racial identity, hate crimes and discrimination, homelessness, law enforcement, immigration, civic participation, and key issues facing Los Angeles ahead of the 2022 L.A. city and county elections. Findings of the survey will be released expected to reveal how the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community in Los Angeles views local, state, and national leaders and key issues including pandemic relief, homelessness, immigration, law enforcement, hate crimes and discrimination, civic participation, and identity.

Since PBI’s last survey of Asian Americans in Los Angeles, conducted in 2016, the community has experienced the Trump presidency, renewed movements for racial justice, and the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. AAPI residents, who make up about 15% of the L.A. County population, will likely play a significant role in shaping this year’s Los Angeles elections. The survey of more than 1,500 AAPI residents was conducted by BSP Research in late 2021 under the direction of veteran pollster Matt Barreto, in association with PBI’s Nathan Chan, an expert in AAPI public opinion and voting behavior, and with funding from CCF. The Voices of L.A. survey series is part of a groundbreaking multiyear PBI project to survey four major racial and ethnic populations in Los Angeles County: the Asian American and Pacific Islander, Latino, Black, and Jewish communities.

The following experts will speak during the virtual event and will be available for interviews upon request:

Mr. Raphael J. Sonenshein, Executive Director, PBI
Mr. Nathan Chan, Research Associate at PBI and Ph.D. candidate in political science at UCI

March 4

AAPI Career Pathways Speaker Series

March 15

Partner Event: LA County Bystander Intervention to Stop Anti-Asian/American and Xenophobic Harassment