Leading By Example
Newsletter Edition #5 - March 2022
The month of March is filled with juxtapositions between celebrations and reflections birthed by tragedies. It is in this month that we observe March 8th as International Women’s Day, celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women; yet at the same time across the globe, we watch brave Ukrainian women escaping with their young and their old or taking up arms fighting for their country. As we also commemorate the month of March as National Women’s History Month, we acknowledge the fact that throughout history, women have had to pay the ultimate price of wars waged by power-hungry men. I would be remiss to not mention that a year ago in March we experienced the horrific Atlanta spa shootings that led to the tragic deaths of eight AAPI women. It is always the mothers, grandmothers, wives, daughters, and sisters who will have to pick up the pieces of the shattered lives.
On the 50th anniversary of LACAAEA, you’ll find in this jam-packed issue filled with in-depth stories of trailblazing female champions like Sara Sadhwani, Genie Chough, and Zora Neale Hurston. We call for action from our County leadership as we highlight results from a recent survey of 1,500 LA County AAPIs who are civically engaged and mobilized for social change due to the racial discrimination they endured. Lastly, as we return to “normalcy” from this pandemic, we are reminded that our mental health does matter and the arts can heal all wounds.
Leading by Example
Elections Work & Language Access
Voices of LA AAPI Survey Results
Call to Action for County leaders
Redistricting LA Results
AAPI Contributions: Sara Sadhwani
County Leader: Genie Chough
Mental Health Matters
Fitting Into America
Mapping Our Roots: Little Bronze Tokyo
Champion of Change: Zora Neale Hurston
Small Business: Rose City Pizza
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