LACAAEA 2021 Scholarships

Written By Nemanja Pavlovic

LACAAEA warmheartedly congratulates the 2021 scholarship winners and takes a special pride in playing a small part in their future education!


Awarded to students already enrolled in a four year college. Mr. Lee was one of the founders of the LACAAEA, who was a visionary and worked tirelessly to help promote AAPIs, fight discrimination in the workplace, and ensure that future generations would not face the same issues and problems that he observed and experienced. Mr. Lee was a Division Chief with the Dept of Health Services in the Environmental Mgmt Division, and then became the Director of Community Relations.

This year’s winner is Chris Lew. Chris was very grateful for this award and explained: “First off, I would like to say I am super appreciative of the Edward W. Lee Continuing Education Scholarship! Through the various efforts of those before me, I know that I am able to be a successful person not only on an individual level, but on a global level as well. Currently, I am attending the USC and am planning to major in Computer Science. I hope to one day be able to make a real difference in the world and whether this be in cyber security/counter-terrorism, software, or entertainment, I am confident that I will be the best version of myself.“


Awarded to graduating high school seniors planning careers where certificates of completion are acceptable and college degrees are optional. Mr. Takata was one of the founders of the LACAAEA, who fought for recognition of AAPIs in the County workforce and development of AAPI with qualifying job skills to compete for promotional opportunities. Mr. Takata retired in 1998 from the Internal Services Dept, but remains active with LACAAEA.,

This year’s winner is Stephan W. Hahn who states that he is very grateful and humbled for being chosen for the Howard Takata Trade/Vocational scholarship award. Stephan will be entering Cal Poly Pomona as a Civil Engineering major in the Maximizing Engineering Program. Some of Stephan’s recognitions include biliteracy in Korean, captain of the football team at his high school and being accepted into the Nat’l Society of High School Scholars. Living in the less fortunate areas of DTLA has touched a special part of his heart that he wants to keep his focus on helping to fix or even just improve homelessness situation, no matter how big or small it may be. Through civil engineering, he hopes to bring more affordable and efficient housing for many, if not all those who just need a roof over their head.


Awarded to graduating high school seniors entering a four-year college. Ms. Bolinger was a Division Chief with the Chief Administrative Office. She was an active member of the LACAAEA and pushed for the creation of these scholarships. Sadly, Ms. Bolinger passed away before the first scholarships were awarded.

This year’s Shirley Bolinger Four-Year Undergraduate winner is Alexandra Fung who is a rising freshman at the UCSD. At UCSD, she will be studying Political Science with a concentration in Public Policy as well as Urban Studies and Planning. After graduating, she would love to become an urban planner or transportation specialist. In high school, Alexandra was involved in Arcadia High School's Future Business Leaders of America Club, Interact Club, Constitution Team, and school newspaper.

Nemanja works for the Assessor Office's Legal Services since 2018. He has earned his LL.B. from the University of Belgrade School of Law and his LL.M. from University of San Francisco School of Law. A member of the New York State Bar, Nemanja is also a Veteran who retired from the US Army as Behavioral Health Non-Commissioned Officer with the penchant for team building, training and process improvement and optimization. Nemanja is an avid marksman, cyclist and chess player. He is married and has two children.


Congratulations Eddie!


AAPI Youth @ Work