Distinguished Speaker Series with Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza and Hyepin Im

On April 27, 2021, LACAAEA invited Dr. D’Artagnan Scorza, of Executive LA County’s Anti-Racism, Diversity, and Inclusion (ARDI) and Hyepin Im, President./CEO and Founder of Faith and Community Empowerment (FACE) to discuss issues of discrimination and racism around minority communities.

Dr. Scorza shared his insights about LA County’s work to address the rise of hate and violence in the AAPI/NHPI communities and strategies on how to incorporate ARDI’s work countywide to help move towards an anti-racist future and institution. From his experience while traveling and serving in the Navy, it has been abundantly clear to him that no matter where we are there are always social disparities.

Even as it relates to COVID-19 in LA County, the mortality rate of minorities is much higher than White counterparts. The pandemic has also exasperated food insecurities and poverty not only among Black and Latino communities, but also among AAPI communities. These economical, educational, and health disparities are structural in nature, but we do not often understand how we got here..

ARDI was established to help change the County’s systems, organizational structures, policies and practices that exacerbate disparities and limit one’s ability to make choices and manage their own lives. To learn more about ARDI’s work, click here.

As someone growing up in local churches, Hyepin witnessed how they are often called to the frontlines to serve in crisis intervention. Hyepin’s experience and involvement has led her to successfully establish FACE. Some of the organization’s initiatives include advocacy work, provide training and networking to churches and other nonprofits, and financial literacy and homeownership programs. As a prominent community leader, she’s also had the opportunity to be included in the decision- making room of The White House. Many times, Hyepin has found herself the only AAPI to be invited and has learned that AAPIs are always missing on stage, and in statistics figures, and talking points. Consequently, the lack of AAPI representation has others telling our stories.

Hyepin discussed the consequences of the model minority myth. Studies have shown Asians have the highest population with the highest attained degree; however, Asians have the lowest chance to rise to management level. This can be attributed to the model minority myth resulting in very little investment on mentorship/guidance and workforce development for Asians. Hyepin also shared other information that are contrary and consequential to the model minority myth, such as homeownership and the criminal justice system.

Hyepin also addressed the growing hate crime against AAPIs due to the pandemic and the lack of government support. Based on a study from the Center for Study of Hate and Extremism, there has been a 150% increase in Anti-Asian discrimination throughout the US, 200% increase in LA County, and 833% increase in NYC. Consequently, the increase in Asian hate crimes has also negatively impacted Asian American’s mental health, local businesses, and livelihood. AAPIs also have the highest COVID-19 Fatality Rate in LA County, which is four times higher than the overall population. Despite this alarming information, elected officials were not highlighting these issues or reaching out to the AAPI communities. The silver lining to the rise in anti-Asian hate has led to the passage of the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act by both the House and Senate and signed into law by President Joe Biden.

Targeted Racism Towards AAPIs

March 19, 2020 - August 5, 2020

  • 3,800 as of 3/2021

  • Race was the primary reason suspected for discrimination. Although Chinese were the ethnic group most targeted. 60% of the respondents were non-Chinese.

  • One of seven of targets were under the age of 20 (14%)

  • 7.5% of targets identify as elderly



Meet Robin Toma


Board Motions to Stop Asian Hate